I am a 33 year old Scottish actor with an interest in costume, make up and historical drama.
I have 15 years experience in amateur theatre and musical theatre, including outdoor all day promotional work and have realistic expectations regarding filming conditions, long hours etc.
I work well with others, take direction, do not cause fuss, turn up and get the job done.
Previous Jobs:
Feature film Bmcm - Shoppers - Filming Glen almond collage Sat 11th March
Martial arts - karate and Swordfighting, part of local HEMA group - primarily German Longsword but with the opportunity to study different weapons systems including Highland Broadsword
Sailing - accredited RYA competent crew
Horse riding - 15 years amateur experience, comfortable in saddle and with animals in general
Archery, shooting and paintballing - amateur level
I can sing in a variety of styles, solo or chorus, and my range is: C3 to F5 (alto) I have a good ear for harmonies and can dance in chorus
I have an interest in accents and can learn and maintain these
I speak a few words of German, Spanish and Gaelic
Swimming - especially with a mermaid tail !
Other assorted skills: painting, drawing, reading, writing, cooking, badminton, table tennis, cycling, gardening, cleaning, massage.
Driving - full clean manual licence