I’m a retired Clinical Psychologist, who’s worked in the NHS for many years. Prior to that was in the arts field.
I've written 2 books on Stress Management and also
write poetry, short stories and plays.
Previous Jobs:
Loss and Return - 6th Oct - PASSERBY'S - EDINBURGH
Borderland - 14th April - Glasgow
Borderland Fitting - Thurs 31st March - Glasgow
Borderlands - FILMING Edinburgh - Sun 10th April
Anansi boys covid test 22nd
Anansi boys filming 23rd Nov
Anansi boys covid test 18th
Anansi boys covid test 17th
Anansi boys filming 19th and 23rd Nov
Aviva flood Scene fri 19th
Aviva flood Scene Thurs 18th fri 19th
I've been an extra on one film set: Tetris the Movie.
I'm both a team player, but also able to work on my own. I get on well with people from all walks of life and am genuinely interested in people, which means I'm good at listening as well as being able to talk to anyone. I pride myself on my punctuality.
I can ride a horse quite proficiently and can speak French with a believable accent.