Previous Jobs:
Supporting artist in several productions including:
Outlaw King - Scribe
Duchess: A Very British Scandal - Court Arrival and Exit Crowd Scenes
Outlander S7 - Battle of Saratoga - Continental; Continental Training Camp;Continental Home Guard
Debutante - American Passerby, Wedding Guest
Guilt 3 - Chicago Passerby
Loss And Return - Funeral Mourner
Belgravia S2 - Upper Class Passer By
Scotland Victim Support Unit - Court Juror and Passerby
The Scotts - Shopper/Passerby
Dinosaur - Council Worker - Featured
River City - Hospital Visitor, Pub Customer, Passerby
The Fall of Sir Douglas Weatherford - 18th Century Monk
Outlander:Blood of My Blood - Clan Gathering - Cutler,
Spring Festival goer
Jacobite Meeting
Clan Gathering - Bladier
I Swear - Award Ceremony Guest
Hospital Nurse
Outlander S8 - Battle of Kings Mountain - Mountain Man
Peter - Festivalgoer
Only Child - Pub Customer
Prodigal Father - Hanging Attendee, Butchers Lane Vendor
The Buccaneers (Debutante) S2 - Court Attendee
ColdWater - Newspaper Vendor
Karate - Black Belt
Horse Riding - Intermediate
Training with Scottish Animal Actors on Handling and Riding Horses on Set
Archery - Basic
Combat/Stunt Training including:
-Outlander Boot Camps - Sword and Musket Fight Forms;
Marching and Squad Drills
-Combat International - Combat Training Phase 1
Combat Training Phase 2
SPACT Accreditation
Combat Training Phase 3
Train regularly with Combat International in Sword Fighting, Axe Fighting, Sword and Shield Fighting, Close Combat, Musket Firing and part of fight display team for public events at Duncarron Medieval Village
Appeared in action/fight sequences in Outlander S8, Blood of My Blood S1 and Clanranald Trust Promotional/Short films